10 dances
- September 22, Sarabande, excerpts, Festival Cour et Jardin.
- October 4 at 6pm, creation of the episode #1 of Ne faites pas la moue, Excentriques, La Briqueterie-CDCN. Our fabulous series on the dance-philosophy duo.
From spring to summer
- From June 3 to 8 and April 15 to 21, residency at La Briqueterie-CDCN du Val-de-Marne – for the series Ne faites pas la moue.
- From May 13 to 19, the company was invited to Japan as part of the Fukuoka Dance Exchange Festival. May 18, 7pm: the performance Espace en mouvements / Spaces in Motion. May 19, 1pm: Workshop on dance and time (still and always!).
- Tuesday May 28, 7pm: Geisha Fontaine’s fourth conference, Dance and Space, at the Pavillon du Carré de Baudouin (121 Rue de Ménilmontant, 75020 Paris).
- Saturday April 6, 5pm: after a week’s residency at Le 6b, Saint-Denis, it was time for a public presentation of De rerum natura. Nature? (fourth episode in our series on the dance-philosophy duo). Intense.
- Saturday March 23 saw the premiere of our participatory show Sarabande, at the Théâtre Gérard Philipe, Champigny-sur-Marne, at 8.30pm. 33 dancers on stage! Dance, words and films. What an epic… Magnificent.
- Reading! Not to be missed: Geisha Fontaine’s latest publication, Troubles. In the wake of three performances by Trisha Brown and Deborah Hay – https://journals.openedition.org/danse/6768
- And always: the second edition of Les 100 mots de la danse (coll. Que sais-je?), rehearsals, conferences, choreographic training courses, etc.
- Now more than ever, we’re looking to the future: Le Grand tout, which brings together the series Ne faites pas la moue and Mille rondes.