Millibar, une ritournelle chorégraphique
Conception and interpretation: Geisha Fontaine and Pierre Cottreau.
Film: Pierre Cottreau.
Creation of the lights: Rima Ben Brahim.
Lightning control: Sabine Charreire.
With: Clémence Galliard, Jean-Baptiste Doulcet, Geisha Fontaine, Julie Galopin, Alexandre Théry.
Millibar‘s matter is time.
Since 1998, the same “small dance”, performed by Geisha Fontaine, has been filmed in Super 8 at different points in the world. The film bears witness to this “international tour” which goes from Paris to Zagreb, passing through Madras, Cairo, Shanghai, Valparaiso…
The film is shown at the beginning of the show, before the dancers enter the stage. It was motivated by the curiosity of what a small dance would become over several years. The dancers take over this choreographic sequence with humor. They act on the destiny of this ritornello, insistent and light, and dance its multiple transformations.
Coproductions and partners : DRAC Île-de-France – Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Région Île-de-France, Conseil général du Val-de-Marne, Ville de Champigny-sur-Marne, Centre national de la danse (Pantin), Centre national de danse contemporaine d’Angers, Théâtre Paul Eluard (Choisy-le-Roi), Centre Olivier Messiaen (Champigny-sur-Marne), micadanses (Paris), la Chartreuse – Centre national des écritures de spectacle (Villeneuve Lez Avignon), Le 6b (Saint-Denis). Avec l’aide d’ARCADI Île-de-France / Dispositif d’Accompagnements.
Creation: 2015