Troubles. Dans le sillage de trois performances de Trisha Brown et de Deborah Hay

2023 : «  Troubles – dans le sillage de trois performances de Trisha Brown et de Deborah Hay », Recherches en Danse, n°12

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Dancing? Talking? Creating?
In the 1970s, Trisha Brown and Deborah Hay proposed three “historic” performances that undeniably belong to the history of dance. In which claims, critical approaches, or simple paths of experimentation, did these proposals operate? What about today? Which links between words and movements? Does choreographing mean undermining language, hijacking it, coaxing it? What does it do to me, to us, to dance, to speak, to enunciate, to be silent? Is it about performing discourses? Or, more subtly, to subvert what is dance and what is speech? In what way, in these years 2020, as a choreographer, as a dancer, as a researcher, am I concerned by these performances that arose half a century ago? What imprints? What throws?

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